


In honor of Seb’s Birthday – here’s Today’s Viewing List

[image description: Sebastian Stan as Jeff Gilooly. The camera pans from a ¾ profile around to a side profile. Jeff is seated in front of a polygraph machine and an FBI polygraph technician. He’s sporting a full mustache and wearing his hair short without sideburns. His shirt is a dark blue and purple paisley.] – (I, Tonya – watched)

[Image description: Sebastian Stan as Dr. Chris Beck and Kate Mara as Beth Johanssen. They are seated cozily in a hospital bed in the maternity ward. Dr. Beck holds an infant (a girl according to the script) and has his knee up on the bed seated closely next to Beth. He wears a blue sweater over a white shirt and a pair of dove gray trousers. Beth is beneath a sheet, resting against a pillow with a white long-sleeved top. She has one hand on Dr. Beck’s knee and grabs his other arm as he puts it over her shoulder, puling them closer together and they cuddle watching an out-of-frame television.]- (The Martian – currently watching)

more to come (tag to blacklist: #sebstan birthday marathon)

With The Martian ending, I asked my roommate which Seb movie to put on next, she said “one of the bad ones”…

[Image description: Sebastian Stan as Ben. This is a closeup shot of Ben outdoors – the background is out of focus) standing with his friend Patrick (you see the rear ¼ of Patrick’s face and part of his shoulder). Ben is wearing a blue jacket and his medium brown hair is straight and a bit shaggy. It falls over Ben’s forehead and touches his collar and mid-ear. Ben’s features are concerned as he takes a step and turns to face Patrick, taking in what he’s being told by his friend.] – (The Apparition – currently watching)

Since the genre of The Apparition is not one I enjoy, I followed it up with a fun “bad one”.

[Image description: Sebastian Stan as Blaine. On a snowy mountain backed by a cloud-dotted blue sky and towering evergreens, Blaine and Chaz are seated on a snowmobile as they hit by a spray of snow from out of frame. Blaine stands shocked and angered, holding his ski patrol helmet. Chaz remains seated on the back of the snowmobile rather perplexed. Both Blaine and Chaz are wearing black ski pants, boots, and gloves, paired with aviator sunglasses and red ski jackets with black shoulders.] – (Hot Tub Time Machine – currently watching)

[Image description: Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes with Chris Evans as Steve Rogers. Bucky is sitting to Steve’s right. Bucky wears his military jacket over a button-up shirt which is nicely pressed but open at the collar. Bucky’s hair is short, parted on the left and wisps of bangs fall over his forehead on the right. He’s leaning toward Steve speaking to him. Steve sits, listening, looking to his left as Bucky speaks. Steve’s military uniform is pristine and done up, including a tie. His hair is softly styled back from his forehead. We see him mostly in profile.] – (Captain America: The First Avenger – almost over)

[Image description: Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes with Chris Evans as Steve Rogers. in this flashback image, Bucky is walking to Steve’s left, a pace behind. Bucky wears his black tailored suit comfortably. The jacket is open over a waistcoat and gray button up shirt. Bucky’s collar is buttoned but his black and gray striped tie is slightly loosened. Bucky’s dark hair is short, and slicked back. He’s following Steve speaking to him with a comfortable smirk on his face. Steve walks ahead of Bucky, digging through his right pocket.

He appears to be wrestling with his emotions.

Steve’s sandy colored hair is parted on the right, with pronounced sideburns and heavy bangs that fall loosely over the left side of his forehead. Steve’s poorly fitting tan shirt and mud-colored jacket are pressed but hang baggily on his slender frame. His necktie is tied somewhat haphazardly and hangs loosely below the unbuttoned collar.] – (Captain America: The Winter Soldier – up next)

[Image description: Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes with Chris Evans as Steve Rogers. Steve walks toward Bucky, who is seated on an examining table in this Wakandan clinic or lab. Steve wears a well fitting dark blue jacket zipped halfway up, over a dark shirt. His hands are in the pockets of his brown pants. Bucky sits with his one arm on his leg with an IV taped to his hand. Bucky’s long hair looks freshly washed and he’s wearing head to toe white, a tank top and tie-up pants. The remaining part of Bucky’s missing left arm is covered with a black cap-like sleeve.They both appear somewhat relaxed. Bucky might be more so than Steve as they prepare for Bucky’s procedure (going back into cryostasis).] – (Captain America: Civil War – to round out the day)